Connie Seraphine urges us to close our eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Connie Seraphine had a magical holiday with grandkids from the sunshine states.
Connie Seraphine challenges you to try an experiment with your friends and family during the holidays.
Connie Seraphine shares a lesson from watching animal behavior.
It's a heated political season and Connie Seraphine's yard signs are a victim of it.
Connie Seraphine takes back a word that's being abused this political season.
While temperatures rise in every way, Connie Seraphine asks us to think about the cooling powers of making loving connections.
Connie Seraphine learns she can talk with the animals...the birds, at least!
Connie Seraphine gets a first-hand look at how A.I. can help bring people together.
It's National Poetry Month and Connie Seraphine shares the words of one of her favorite poets, Mary Oliver.