What does GWAR have to do with Plutarch? Let's let David Gunkel explain.
A multi-media art festival will simulate things that people may see in their dreams.
Our NIU STEAM Team is back in full-force to answer the age-old question: "What did ancient cultures use to produce dyes?"
A northern Illinois city will live up to its nickname as it showcases luminosity.
Andrew Nelson finds himself looking across a figurative English Channel this November, 84 years after the Coventry bombing.
"I don't need a student to like my class. I know that I've done my job when a student says, 'Oh my gosh, I can't drive my car without thinking about physics anymore!' or 'I'm always seeing physics through everything, and it's driving me crazy!'"We’re headed to the lab on a new Teachers' Lounge podcast.
Gilded Cages join us to play songs from their new record Real and Human and talk with us about the album.
Last year, Illinois passed a law to provide free school meals. BUT they didn’t fund it -- so it hasn’t happened. But many schools do offer free meals to ALL students. WNIJ’s Peter Medlin went to a school cafeteria to see what it looks like…
Voters in DeKalb County will see several ballot questions in addition to voting for candidates.
Autumn on Parade takes place in Oregon, Illinois Saturday and Sunday October 5th and 6th.
It's a heated political season and Connie Seraphine's yard signs are a victim of it.