The vote in March was the latest attempt by the board to outlaw the event, which the local Hispanic community say holds cultural significance.
Junta del Condado de Boone vota para posponer decisión sobre el destino de los coleaderos mexicanas.
Boone County Board Chairman Rodney Riley said the actions help to get to “medium ground” on what’s been a polarizing issue for the board.
La Junta del Condado de Boone considerará prohibir el coleadero, un evento de la charrería mexicana a pesar de que la fiscalía general de Illinois advierte a la junta de la discriminación ante la comunidad hispana.
The Boone County Board will consider adopting one of three measures: leave the county’s policy as it is, ban steer-tailing, or ban all rodeo events, including those held at the Boone County Fairgrounds.
La oficina del Procurador General de Illinois recordó a la Junta del Condado Boone sobre la obligación en seguir las leyes de antidiscriminación sobre sus tratos con las charreadas mexicanas.
The Attorney General’s Office stated in a letter that it’s received complaints regarding the board’s considerations of permanent restrictions on Mexican-style rodeos, while exempting American-style rodeos.
Rodeos in Boone county have been a contentious issue. All recommendations the committee makes will need approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals before being presented to the county board for a final vote.
Boone County Assistant State’s Attorney Karla Maville lets the board know in some instances that their proposals may be difficult to defend in court.
During a meeting this month, the county’s assistant state’s attorney Karla Maville and Sheriff Scott Yunk shared their insight and expertise with the committee reviewing regulations regarding Mexican-style rodeos.