Happy Pride Month to the middle-aged, tired gays. To the LGBTQIA+ people who came out later in life. To the person who unlocked the door to the closet, even if they weren’t ready to come all the way out. Happy Pride to the ally who decided to register to vote, knowing that they have a chance to make their voice heard this year against the wave of discriminatory legislation being proposed at every level from the school board to the Supreme Court. Happy Pride to Thailand which passed legislation legalizing same-sex marriage and to Namibia which just overturned a law criminalizing homosexuality.
Happy Pride to those who are celebrating the progress that has been made. Happy Pride to those who are grieving and fighting against the violence and discrimination that remains all too present.
Happy Pride to everyone who recognizes that this isn’t a destination we’ve reached, but a journey we are on. Happy Pride! If you’re questioning and wondering what it might be like to be your full authentic self, welcome. Happy Pride! If you’re angry or grieving, welcome. Happy Pride! The rainbow has a color on her spectrum for every experience and every emotion. Whatever you’ve been feeling this year, I hope you’ve found your place at Pride.
I’m Lynnea Erickson Laskowski and that’s my perspective.