El estudiante universitario promedio gasta más de $1,000 al año en libros de texto y materiales. Peter Medlin de WNIJ nos informa sobre cómo las universidades del norte de Illinois tratan de reducir los costos de los libros de texto.
The average college student spends over $1,000 a year on textbooks and course materials. WNIJ’s Peter Medlin reports on how northern Illinois colleges are trying to cut textbook costs…
Illinois colleges have to reform “Developmental Education.” But why? What does reform look like? And how does it help students?
Even though it’s still a semi, the truck he’s behind the wheel of is a far cry from what he drove during his time as a long-haul driver. For one, it doesn’t have a cassette tape deck like the one he started with in the ‘90s. No, Kishwaukee College just invested in a brand-new 2023 Volvo semi-truck for the training program.
The Kishwaukee College Board voted to extend its president’s contract through 2024. It gives Laurie Borowicz a $10,000 base salary increase to $200,000…
Kishwaukee College in Malta has many students who have or will reach voting age. But education instructor Cynthia de Seife said some of these students had…
Laurie Borowicz began her position as Kishwaukee College President in 2015, becoming the first woman in its history to lead the school. Police records…
Schools are putting more emphasis on STEM education, but that doesn't mean they're leaving the liberal arts or interpersonal skills behind.STEM stands for…
Kishwaukee College is holding a kickoff event for its 50th anniversary. The college was founded in 1968 on the grounds of an old farmhouse with around 600…
The increasing prospects of high college costs and a demand for more trade-based jobs are pushing more students to enroll in community college. But how do…