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A New Era Of Immigration?

Positions harden? on the immigration debate. Actually, there are two immigration debates, and positions harden on both of them.

Opinions on accepting immigrants from south of the border diverge, but probably we will accept fewer. Opinions on accepting immigrants from the Middle East diverge, but we probably we will accept fewer. The debate over immigration likely will lead to less immigration, but we may be missing a larger point.

If we look beyond immigration, we see that other debates point in the same direction. That direction is the possible exit of America from its dominant position on the world stage. 

Examine the debate over defense. The question is not whether but how much we will disengage and scale back on our international commitments. The question is not whether, but how much we will reduce defense spending. 

Examine the debate over trade. Wait a minute, there isn't one. The leaders of both parties question everything from NAFTA to the Trans Pacific Partnership. The question is not whether we will turn toward protectionism, but how sharp that turn will be.  

We may be witnessing the end of an era. We may be about to enter a new era -- an era of tighter immigration, reduced defense, more protectionism. Scholars call the current era the era of Pax Americana. What might they call the impending era?

I'm Bob Evans, and that's my perspective.

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