After November 5th, friends asked if I was thinking of moving back to Australia. The way I got there initially was through a job exchange in the 1980’s.
After finishing my library degree, I worked at Chicago Public Library where I met exchange librarians from Australia and New Zealand. That planted the idea and five years later at Rice University it took shape. Katie at the Australian National University was one of three Aussie librarians who responded to my inquiry.
That first exchange was such a positive experience for us both that in the early 90’s we cooked up a second. At the end of those six months, we took some time off to travel together in New Zealand where she grew up. Saying our goodbyes at the Auckland airport, we contemplated exchanging passports. Some of our shared friends had commented that we did look a little alike.
Instead, we both started looking for more permanent positions in each other’s country. I landed in Sydney and Katie in Berkeley. We were in those positions for several years, and now back in our respective hemispheres we continue to stay in touch.
Although Australian culture is not starkly different than here, living there broadened my scope of lifestyles and perception of the US. And as with travel in general, via plane, train or armchair, it allows you a chance to reinvent yourself.
I AM planning a getaway to my other home down under. But I'm not ready to jump ship....yet.
I’m Paula Garrett and that’s my perspective.