Open enrollment for health insurance via the federal marketplace is underway.The marketplace was created by the Affordable Care Act as a resource for…
Illinois residents shopping for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act marketplace for next year could see rate increases as high as 40 percent,…
Illinois U.S. Senator Dick Durbin took a swipe at the Republican healthcare plan in Springfield Friday.Republicans could not get the votes to pass the…
Rockford residents who are getting their health insurance through the Illinois exchange under the current Affordable Care Act will lose an estimated…
Healthcare leaders are voicing concerns about the Republican repeal plan to the Affordable Care Act.Democrat Dick Durbin is traveling the state to meet…
Governor Bruce Rauner says Illinois wouldn’t do very well under congressional Republicans’ new health care proposal. Some conservative groups have also…
Illinois U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin had harsh words Monday for Republican proposals in Congress to repeal Obamacare and give states more responsibility in…
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said he doesn't support a repeal of Obamacare without a replacement. It’s a rare comment from a governor who has stayed…
The Illinois Hospital Association says there could be significant fiscal and human consequences if Obamacare is repealed and there's no replacement plan.…
An Illinois group is warning that if Obamacare is repealed without a replacement, there could be significant human and financial…