Open enrollment for health insurance via the federal marketplace is underway.
The marketplace was created by the Affordable Care Act as a resource for those seeking insurance. It also helps them determine whether they’re eligible for federal subsidies to help pay for that coverage. Derryl Block is Dean of Northern Illinois University’s College of Health and Human Sciences. She said some people are worried about the current Supreme Court case challenging the ACA.
“The Supreme Court decision will likely not come until spring or summer," she said. "If you’re planning to enroll in health insurance via the marketplace, it’s advised that you do that as soon as possible and not delay.”
Illinois is one of several states that runs its own marketplace, Get Covered Illinois, under the federal framework. Get Covered Executive Director Laura Pellikan said the marketplace website can provide guidance on choosing a plan, and provide information on who’s eligible for federal aid.
“Look at the options that are available and get questions answered if you have questions prior to choosing a plan for 2021," said Pellikan.
The health insurance marketplace is available to domestic U.S. citizens and legal residents who are not currently incarcerated. Open enrollment ends December 15th.