Illinois voters said “no” to the graduated income tax on Tuesday. More than 100 labor groups including the Illinois Education Association came out in…
Community input played a role in keeping the DeKalb Municipal Band operating at normal capacity for now.The DeKalb City Council held a special meeting…
A recent report shows Illinois is facing a teacher shortage. But changes to teachers’ pensions — including cutbacks on the state’s share of contributions…
Illinois officials waited more than five months to alert dozens of domestic violence programs that their funding had been eliminated, an omission that…
A group of Democratic state lawmakers are suing to get their paychecks more quickly. They've gone without compensation since May 31.After nearly a…
Illinois Valley Community College is turning to locals to preserve an aging dairy barn on the south end of campus.The LaSalle News-Tribune reports the…
A new survey of Illinois human service providers shows nearly two-thirds have cut programs because of the state budget standoff, leaving almost 1 million…
University of Illinois Trustees will soon vote on a budget for the next fiscal year, without knowing how much, if any, state funding, to expect - due to…
With no state budget, a program that provided funding to bus Chicago kids to visit their incarcerated mothers stalled months ago. To Pearl Mullen, who’s…
The state of Illinois has cut funding to higher education each year for more than a decade. Those cuts, combined with declining enrollment, will cause…