Bellairs has a real estate office right in the heart of the action of Woodstock Square, Ground Zero for the filming of the 1993 hit “Groundhog Day.” We’re just steps away from the stretch of sidewalk where Bill Murray soaked his feet day after day in an icy mud puddle, the park where the Hollywood version of Punxsutawney Phil checks for his shadow, the tower where Murray’s character takes a plunge (a.k.a. The Woodstock Opera House)... Plaques mark the spots on a jam-packed walking tour.

Join us for a conversation with Bellairs about his memories of what it was like to spend months as an extra when Hollywood came to his hometown, how the film changed Woodstock, and what it's like living his own Groundhog Day as the town celebrates the anniversary of the filming...again.
This year's special guest is actor Stephen Tobolowsky, the unforgettable Ned Ryerson. He'll take part in events across the festival: Click here for the full schedule.
Thanks again to Rick Bellairs for being so generous with his time. And hats off to Sam Naftzger for his photographs and questions during this production.
Under Rocks is produced by WNIJ at Northern Illinois University. Where shall we head next? Send your suggestions for interesting and under-exposed treasures in northern Illinois/southern Wisconsin to