For the past few years, a state review committee has been weighing changes to standardized testing. WNIJ’s Peter Medlin reports on the changes they’ve made and how teachers use test data to help students…
The Biden Administration announced schools still have to do standardized tests during the pandemic.Lynn Gibson says even Illinois superintendents are…
Students applying to Northern Illinois University with a 3.0 grade point average or higher will soon be automatically admitted.Other universities,…
Illinois students will get a hint about how they scored on the PARCC test — the standardized test based on the Common Core — when statewide results are…
Starting March 4th, Illinois public school students will sharpen their number 2 pencils for this year’s round of standardized testing known as the ISATs.…
Student achievement tests given to third through eighth graders will be more difficult this year. The Illinois Standards Achievement Tests are meant to…