Welcome to WNIJ's Poetically Yours. This segment showcases poems written by northern Illinois poets. This week features Aurora Poet Laureate Karen Fullett-Christensen.
Karen-Fullett Christensen shares two of her domestic violence awareness poems.
Aurora’s poet laureate is making sure that poetry is in clear view in the city’s downtown. Karen-Fullett Christensen was at the starting line ready to…
Welcome to WNIJ's Poetically Yours. This week features Aurora's poet laureate Karen Fullett-Christensen.Fullett-Christensen has been writing poetry and…
We all know that money doesn’t grow on trees. But what about poems? Aurora’s poet laureate is giving that illusion to those who pass by her home.Karen…
April is National Poetry Month. Aurora’s poet laureate Karen Fullett-Christensen and the City’s deputy poet laureates talked about the power of poetry and…
The City of Aurora appointed its first ever poet laureate earlier this month. The new poet laureate is also a Northern Illinois University alumna. Karen…