What’s your word for the year? Your dreams? How will you make them happen? It’s January. Many of us are plotting our year. Me? I get emotional hives thinking about this. Even “to do” lists make my pen itch. I leave no checkmarks. Weekly I write down goals from two years ago.

I can plan my day, then be distracted by a friend wanting to talk, an interesting article or three on Facebook. Bruce might want to go to town. The weather can demand a response that I wasn’t planning like “Sun’s out you should ride your horse, when I felt more like doing inside work.”
John Backman, of Dialogue Venture also found goals, yearly plans, no longer worked for him. He says, “Perhaps we move through life in response to God, which makes our lives sacred even if there is no grand purpose for us (or it’s eternally hidden). I find this liberating. Instead of striving to chart a course, I can simply live as directed, bearing fruit in the world as God desires.”
For me it’s like riding a horse who doesn’t want to go where I want. If I stiffen, when Life shifts, I might get tossed, but if I stay relaxed, stay fluid, breathe, you might ride through the quick step to the side.
After all Jesus says, “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8).
I’m Katie Andraski and that’s my perspective.