My parents often told me to be careful of what I wished for.
Matthew 7: 7-8, reads, “What you see is what you get. What you seek is also what you get.”
People can mend and renew the world by strengthening inside ourselves what we seek outside ourselves. Not by demanding it of others or trying to force it on others.
However, if you want others to be more loving, choose to love first. If you are working for peace out there, create peace inside yourself.
As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
We are seeing the strength of this Principle of Likeness in our country today. Because it is also true that fearful people will create more fear; hateful hearts will see hate everywhere else.
We know reality by likeness. We see who we are everywhere else because we see through who we are at any one moment.
Jesus said, “Be careful how you see” and “Be careful how you hear.” (Luke 8: 16-18)
When people are invested in fear, hate, or anger, wisdom goes over their heads. If you’re not ready you don’t even pay attention to it.
So, my wish this Christmas is to continue to work on myself, on the inside and continue to work on mending and renewing our community.
I’m Dan Kenney, and this is my perspective.