I was thinking about what to write, what to say, what perspective to share this week. It’s not like there has been anything going on in the news or in the world these days, right!?
Should I share my thoughts on what it means for VP (and presidential hopeful) Kamala Harris to be having a brat summer? (Here’s my perspective, I think I’m too old to understand what that means…) Should I share my frustration that as a woman in a professional workplace I have to spend way more time, effort, and money on my appearance compared to my male colleagues and yet my professionalism is still far more closely tied to my hair and outfit than theirs will ever be? And then I thought, maybe I should weigh in on the recent Parisian hullabaloo from the opening ceremonies and whether drag queens were representing Dionysus or the Last Supper and how we should think long and hard before assuming we’re in charge of reservations at God’s table?
My final thought was “ugh…so many people have opined on that, what could I really offer to the conversation?” So here is my perspective for you. Talk. Take up space. Don’t assume the world doesn’t have enough space for you. Don’t shrink yourself down or shut yourself up. Don’t couch your opinions in a “I might be wrong, but…” Listen and learn, but don’t apologize for existing. Maybe you don’t have something groundbreaking, breathtaking, or earth shaking to offer, but you matter. Your thoughts are still valuable, and your perspective is still important.
I’m Lynnea Erickson and that’s MY perspective.