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Perspective: Nothing is forever, not even David Moyes


First things first, I'd begrudgingly like to extend congratulations to Manchester City on their win of this year's English Premier League title.

Secondly, and much more importantly, I'd like to extend gratitude and wish a fond farewell to David Moyes, the man who coached the far better team (and coincidentally the team I cheer for though this doesn't prejudice me in the slightest...).

Our gaffer saw us to a European championship trophy and pulled us from relegation to solid (if mid-table) finishes. And yet, as the season ended, he still got the very polite boot. Because he took us where we needed to go and the team we are now is a team in need of something different.

We might think a good thing, a good partnership, a good person should last forever, but that isn't always or, even often, the case. Just because something only lasts for a season, it still could be just what we needed. Forever isn't the only measurement of success.

Give yourself, your team, your project, your whatever, the grace to be what you need at the moment and don't place the crushing expectation of permanence on something that was never meant for it.

I'm Lynnea, I'm a West Ham fan, and that's my perspective.


Lynnea Erickson Laskowski is a former resident (and forever enthusiast) of the DeKalb area. Originally from Iowa, Lynnea moved to DeKalb in 2011 to complete a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. She currently lives in Washington DC with her toothless dog.