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Perspective: Pasadena


In the film, Julie and Julia, Julia Child and her sister dismiss their staunchly Republican father's support of McCarthyism with an eyeroll and one word: "Pasadena."

Julia's husband, Paul, was grilled for three days because of Senator McCarthy's unfounded communist conspiracies. While found innocent of all charges, he was forced into early retirement and ended his career with the conviction that his service to his country during WWII was for nothing.

Others were not so lucky. Many lives and careers were destroyed because of one senator's lies.

We are currently experiencing another McCarthy-style witch-hunt, led by Republicans who are pursuing public servants, health care workers, educators and librarians. Unlike Julia and her sister, I am not willing to dismiss it with an eyeroll. For once, I want 'Pasadena' to face the consequences of their words and actions.

Spreading false information, advancing conspiracy theories, and threatening people, should result in criminal charges and substantial fines. In addition, large donors and news organizations should face even more serious consequences because their actions have a greater influence.

To avoid another sad chapter in American history, we need to acknowledge that the Republican Party is dominated by a radical fringe that wreaks havoc on our institutions, rather than regard these as sporadic outbursts that eventually will be controlled by party moderates.

The moment for consensus and negotiations is long past. Sensible citizens should voice their opposition by voting for candidates from other parties that reflect values of truth, justice and equality.

I’m Frances Jaeger, and that is my Perspective.


Frances Jaeger is an associate professor of Spanish at Northern Illinois University. Her research interests include Latin American contemporary poetry as well as Caribbean and Central American literature.