A special thanks to Elizabeth Bass for expressing her sentiments in the form of a limerick! And as a bonus, Sam Wyant took another poetry route: He asked ChatGPT to write an ode to Dan Klefstad. You be the judge!
Oh, Dan Klefstad, a radio legend true.
Your voice has graced the airwaves. Oh, so smooth.
For years, you've shared stories, news and more
A voice that's captivating down to the very core.
From early morning to late at night.
You've brought us tales that spark delight
with skill and grace, you've held the mic,
a trusted voice shining so bright.
Your dedication to the craft is clear,
a beacon of knowledge year after year.
With journalistic integrity. You've led the way
delivering truth with every word you say.
Through interviews, features and reports.
You've shared the stories of all sorts
from local happenings to global events.
You've enlightened and informed with eloquence. Z
But it's not just your talent. It's your heart
that's made you stand out, set apart.
Your passion for the community shines through
in every story you've brought to view.
As you embark on your well-deserved rest.
A new chapter awaits a change of quest.
Your legacy will live on in hearts and minds
as we bid you farewell with appreciation of all kinds.
So here's to Dan Klefstad, a radio star
whose impact will be felt near and far.
Thank you for the memories, the wisdom shared.
May your retirement be filled with joy and care.