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WNIJ's summary of news items around our state.

We Remember Judy Baar Topinka With Favorite Sound Bites

Susan Stephens / WNIJ

Illinois political leaders are remembering Judy Baar Topinka.

Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn says he's "heartbroken" about the death of Republican state Comptroller. Topinka's office says she died early Wednesday after suffering a stroke. Quinn called her "a trailblazer in every sense of the word" and a "force of nature."

Gov.-Elect Bruce Rauner, a fellow Republican, remembered Topinka for her "magnetic, one-of-a-kind personality." He said she cared "about what was best for the people" of Illinois.

Secretary of State Jesse White called Topinka a "straight shooter who served Illinois with dignity."

Newsrooms across the state are also remembering Topinka as a "gold mine" for memorable quotes or sound bites.

The Chicago Tribune editorial board described Topinka's style perhaps best of all in today's remembrance: "The straight-shooting ex-newspaper reporter never lost her penchant for directness, a lost art in the modern frenzy of carefully messaged politics. You couldn’t 'message' Judy, 'package' Judy, 'image' Judy."

Here are some of Topinka's quotes that will be remembered for a long time in the WNIJ newsroom:

"We are at the bottom of the bucket on just about everything in this state, courtesy of a lackluster Governor who doesn't give a rat's behind that he's the Governor. So govern!"
"To all of you I kind of feel like that Arnold Schwartzennager character who said 'I'll be back.' Remember him? He was the Terminator. And that is exactly what we intend to do to the Democrats of Illinois. Terminate. Gone. Good bye."
Topinka speaking in 2011 after Rod Blagojevich's sentencing.

Straight-shooter indeed. 

(Sound bites provided by Illinois Public Radio)

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