Governor J.B. Pritzker announced that the state of Illinois will close all schools through March 30. As of now, day care centers will remain open.
Schools with a spring break that falls outside of this window should move their spring break to within this time frame.
On Thursday, the Illinois State Board of Education was granted a waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to continue providing meals to students in non-group settings. Students receiving free and reduce priced breakfasts and lunches will be able to receive grab-and-go meals each day, with some districts having the ability to deliver and others offering parent pick up.
Patricia Dal Santo is the regional superintendent for Kane County schools.
She says the districts in her county all have e-learning plans prepared. She says a lot of districts offer laptops for students to bring home, but not all of them.
“Districts that have one-on-one devices, those will be online lessons except for some of the lower elementary grades, they will be pencil and paper packets," said Del Santo.
She also says those e-learning plans were able to be tailed for students that have special needs and Individualized Education Programs.