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Perspective: Make The Familiar Strange

Inga Gezalian

Making the familiar strange is important.

It's not every day that you can say you lived your developing years in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Or that your generation is pushing forward the boundaries on social justice and equality. But today, for my generation, that is the case.

We live in a time where huge efforts are being made to create an equal world for all who live in it. With that comes the responsibility of making what we don't understand clear for everyone. The best way to do so is through education to the public.

As a white male in today's world, it is hard for me to understand the struggle of those of color or other genders and sexualities. I cannot understand their struggles and pain as I am privileged and don't have to go through them.

But through education by those who do go through these struggles day in and day out, I can become educated. My view of the world becomes drastically different when I am put in the view of those who struggle from discrimination and inequality. What once seemed so black and white in my eyes becomes a rainbow of colors that I didn't even know existed.

So while it may be difficult and hard to accept these truths that blind us of the world we know so well, it's vital that we do so, so that we may see the world as it truly is. Education can bring the unfamiliar to light, help us understand it, and make what was once familiar seem oh-so-strange.

My name is Joseph Hale and that's my Perspective.