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Poetically Yours - Nothing lasts forever

Provided by Luke Welch.

Welcome to Poetically Yours. Poetically Yours showcases poems by northern Illinois poets. This week’s poet is Luke Welch.

Welch lives in Rochelle, Illinois. He works as a sign language interpreter and has published many poems in various small press magazines. He regularly reads his work at open mic events in the northern Illinois area. This poem is called "Enough."

That morning,

my head on your chest,

I listened

to your heartbeat

as the sun

chose again

to rise

in the Eastern sky.


Later, we said goodbye,

your eyes, polished river stones,

dark, smooth, shining.


I wish my time

was enough.

I wish my touch

was enough.

My kindness,

my looks,

the poems

I write for you

were enough.


You walk back out

into the world

that will take you

away from me

forever, maybe,

this time.


Even if I never see you again,

I love this world,

if only because you are in it.

If only because now I know

it is the beat of your heart

that draws the sun,

every day,

back into the sky.

Yvonne covers artistic, cultural, and spiritual expressions in the COVID-19 era. This could include how members of community cultural groups are finding creative and innovative ways to enrich their personal lives through these expressions individually and within the context of their larger communities. Boose is a recent graduate of the Illinois Media School and returns to journalism after a career in the corporate world.