A multi-media art festival will simulate things that people may see in their dreams.
This is the third year Somnium: The Book of the Forest Lament, has been presented by Mentes Extremófilas.
Emily Klonicki is one of the creators and directors of Somnium. She said the Sinnissippi Park location will allow the participants to have an interactive experience.
“They will be more part of the story,” she explained. “And we'll have all of the same elements that we have, but it will be a completely different experience that will change their perception of the park, of the forest, of you know, just the way they think about ecology and other things that we're exploring with the project.”
The last two events were held in a parking lot in the city.
Eddaviel Montero is the other creator and director. He said the goal of the festival is to infuse all types of art.
“And we do the project that is very immersive, that and multimedia, multi-dimensional,” he said, “that people don't really know what is happening with the projections and all the things that sometimes people it's just like, 'oh, how would I do this? What is this? I feel that I am in a dream or something.'”
Montero said the last two years the festival took place at night but this year it will start in the day. Other changes include musical guests and puppets.
Klonicki said the festival is a way to interrupt people’s reality.
The dream-like experience will take place starting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 10 through Sunday, October 13 at Sinnissippi Park in Rockford. You can visit Mentes Extremófilas website for daily schedules.