On today's edition of WNIJ's Community Spotlight, we visit Paw Paw, Illinois ahead of the village's first Pawpaw Festival.
Morning Edition host Jason Cregier is joined by Neal Rogers of the Paw Paw Lions Club, which is hosting the event, to discuss all things Paw Paw...Illinois, and all things pawpaw...fruit.
Rogers makes mention of the fact that the town of Paw Paw was indeed named for the fruit, which had acres of groves which came in handy in helping sustain Native American tribes, and later settlers to the region.
To this day Paw Paw still supports many pawpaw trees, but much like a good fishin' hole, Rogers isn't giving up a prime spot for the fruit.
While it's gaining in popularity, many still haven't tried a pawpaw before. Rogers mentions to Jason that, when the pawpaw is ripe, the flavor profile is similar to a banana or mango.
Besides informational talks and plenty of pawpaw fruit to indulge in, there will be plenty of local food options, kids' activities and pawpaw trivia.
The first Pawpaw Festival is on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. at Veterans Park in Paw Paw, Illinois.
More information can be found at https://pawpawfest.org/
Listen for the full conversation in the link above.
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