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Perspective: How do you know what you want to be when you grow up?


Jonathan Dumois is a student in Northern Illinois University's Journalism 401 class, Editorial & Opinion Writing. We'll bring you more Perspectives from the class in the coming days.

It’s a question as old as time: What do you want to be when you grow up?


If you were to ask a 5-year-old me, he would have told you “train conductor.” If you were to ask a 13-year-old me, he would have told you “politician.” But if you were to ask an 18-year-old me, he would have told you “Journalist.”


Everyone has some sort of way to determine their career path, such as family history, interests, and even hobbies.


But for me, determining my career path involved a video game.


Yes, you heard me right, a video game. Let me explain.


So you know Roblox, right? It’s a destination for video games that kids around the world just can’t get enough of. My sister included.


There are games that are the “hub” of groups on Roblox. Many of those groups mimic actual worldwide governments, which I joined back in 2016 after watching a YouTube video about it.


After months of failure as a group politician, I decided to join a news company in the group. My job was to gather at least three news items and record a voiceover for a YouTube video. I later had my own show, interviewing the politicians involved, which I thought was a lot of fun, and helped me learn a variety of skills that I still use today.


Eventually I became respected in the group, and soon people came to me with news tips. I became the guy people went to for news.

And when it was time to start the college search, I decided this was what I wanted to do.


Not many people base their career choice on a personal pastime, especially a video game.


But looking back, I’m quite glad I decided to turn what I once thought was a dumb way to waste time into something a bit more meaningful.


I’m Jonathan Dumois, and that’s my perspective.

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