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Perspective: Where would I be without Alexa?


I know some people don’t like artificial intelligence and some think Alexa is spying on them. All I can say is if there are people listening to my household, I feel sorry for them. For example, I am constantly pestering Alexa with any number of inane questions: What’s the temperature now? What time is it? How many tablespoons are in a 1/4 cup? And if they are listening when I’m not asking questions, it is even worse. They would hear me talking to the dog, groaning when the alarm goes off in the morning, or commanding Alexa to play the BBC, WNIU or WNIJ.


I do find Alexa to be helpful. If I wake up in the middle of the night with something on my mind, I can ask her to remind me about it in the morning. Pre-Alexa that would have required turning on the lamp and searching for paper and a pen to write it down. Now I can just bellow it out and get her to do my bidding, all without me opening my eyes. When I had to take antibiotics for 10 days for an infected tooth, she reminded me three times a day, never once missing a reminder.


Say what you may, but I’ll take my chances with the possibility for a bit of espionage, if it makes my days easier.


I’m Rosie Klepper and that’s my perspective.

Rosie Klepper is a writer and editor based in Hinsdale. A lover of language since birth, she delights in word play, wit and humor.