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Perspective: Let's parse the President's predicament


The Economist observes that voters believe that “the state of the American union is unusually dismal.”


Perplexity barely captures the Administration’s response. Inflation is down. Unemployment is way down. “Bidenomics” is touted and shouted from the rooftops. Why don’t people “get it?” Social scientists identify several factors.


First, inflation may be “down,” but prices aren’t. Inflation is still the “hidden tax.” Bidenomics is a hollow term to many.


Second, think of the maladies that people cite -- crime, immigration, urban decay, international crises. Think of the extraordinary expansion of the role of the President. Think of our media-saturated environment. The unavoidable conclusion is that all eyes will focus on the President.


Third, as noted by a social psychologist, the pandemic “has made us more aware of all the places we don’t have control.”


Finally, it would be churlish to blame Republicans. They are totally consumed with their circular firing squad.


To paraphrase Shakespeare, for many Americans the fault lies not in our stars, but in our President.


I’m Bob Evans and that is my perspective.

Robert Evans is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics, Business and Accounting at Rockford University and Associate Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. He is actively involved in the Rockford University public policy program, trains managers on law-related topics, is a political consultant and analyst, and also serves on non-profit boards.