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Perspective: Listen to the lambs

Tim Marshall

Recovering from surgery, I sit in my wheelchair on our deck to conjure up my next Perspectives essay. Perhaps I should choose a newsworthy topic for a change? This month certainly has offered a frenzy of big stories that deserve to be addressed.

But which one? The indictment of former President, Donald Trump and the many calibrated statements by Republicans to prove one’s fealty to him? Or should I express my anger and hopelessness with the ongoing tragedy of Russia’s war in Ukraine? Or the unimaginable train disaster in India? Or the daily reports of unprovoked multiple deaths and injuries by heavily armed gunmen?

Perhaps the most alarming story is the warning by AI computer scientists that AI technology could foster the development of a global brain that could destroy humanity.

But something catches my attention. In the sheep field a dozen lambs are beginning to gather, some jumping straight off the ground and play-butting each other. Then as more arrive, a silent signal is given and they start racing down the fence line - one after another - then catch their breath and race back. As they repeat this “lamb frolic” again and again, my heavy thoughts are replaced by just being present, non-anxious, and open to beauty and delight offered by the natural world all around. This is exactly what I need today. I hope everyone can enjoy such peaceful moments this summer in ways that heal one’s spirit.

I’m Connie Seraphine and that is my Perspective.

Connie Seraphine is a Sycamore-area writer and poet.