School has finally started again, and it made me think of all of the "First Day of Schools" I’ve had. Twenty-five years of them. When the kids were in grade school, it seemed like I did as much work for their education as they did. Reading to the kids every day, helping them practice handwriting, and giving book report guidance are just a few of the many time-consuming chores parents of grade school kids have to do. There was just always something that Mom had to do. I couldn’t wait for summer to come. Lazy days at the pool or warm weather vacations just made my year.
But as the kids got older and became more independent and more involved in sports (especially club sports), I felt like my summers disappeared. Now I was spending my lazy summer days driving kids around to volleyball camp and basketball practice. There was always somewhere Mom had to drive to. I started to long for the school year again because it felt like life slowed down more.
I’m working my way toward the end of my First Days of School –- only three more to go –- and it makes me want to slow down even more. Everyone always hears people say, “you have to focus on what’s most important in life,” and that’s as true today as it’s ever been, and just as difficult to master. I have only three years left to figure out what’s most important for our family and try to find that old easy-going summer feel every day of the year. How many more do you have? Will it be enough?
I’m Lynnly Buchanan, and that’s my Perspective.