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Perspective: Everything Changes

Spencer Tritt

Dark rain clouds fill the sky and form the screen for streaks of lightning. I run back home. Wasn’t it just sunny and humid a few minutes ago?

A new group of students arrive. New names and faces, but some evocative of those to whom I waved goodbye not so long ago.

Leaves of trees turn, then dry and fall, to be replaced by buds in spring. I am at once disappointed and eager for what is yet to come.

A nest that was once anticipating an arrival, is now preparing for a departure. The fledgling is now a bird with wings strong enough to fly.

I catch a glimpse in the mirror. It is the image of someone with grey hair and a patient smile. I almost search for that… other face, and then laugh aloud. The image laughs back.

My thoughts appear upon the surface of my consciousness. Some flash through, while others are slower. Each feels important but only in that moment.

That tree framed by my window has grown, while its sibling was removed last week because of a disease.

I walk gently, knowing the timeless truth:

Everything changes.

I’m Mahesh Subramony and that’s my perspective.

Mahesh Subramony is professor of management at Northern Illinois University, where he conducts research related to the human side of services. His tenure as an NPR listener has been long and includes MPR, WPR, and for the last 12 years - WNIJ.