La presidenta de NIU Lisa Freeman dice que, ahora mismo, la forma en que las universidades públicas de Illinois son financiadas... no tiene mucho sentido.“Necesitamos una fórmula de financiación que sea racional, que considere el tamaño de la institución, la misión de la institución y el tipo de estudiantes que sirve la institución.”Un nuevo proyecto de ley crearía una formula como esa. ¿Cómo funcionaría? ¿Cuánto dinero inyectaría a las universidades?
NIU president Lisa Freeman says, right now, the way Illinois public universities are funded…doesn’t make much sense.“We need a funding formula that's rational, that considers the size of the institution, the mission of the institution and the type of students that the institution serves.”A new bill would create a formula like that. How would it work? And how much money would it pump into universities?
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner announced in July that he was creating a bipartisan commission to change the way the state funds public schools. That…
Before he'll agree to raise money to prevent massive budget cuts, Gov. Bruce Rauner says Illinois must pass a freeze on property taxes. His plan also…