Maria Gardner Lara
News reporterUn residente nativo de Chicago, Maria se graduó de University of Illinois Springfield con una licenciatura superior en periodismo de gobierno. Su pasión por periodismo comenzó cuando reportaba la noticia en el periodico estudiantil de San Antonio College. Maria desea ayudar familias ser informado de los programas y policias que afecta la comunidad . En su tiempo libre, disfruta viajar, correr, y compartir con su familia y amigos.
(A Chicago native, Maria graduated from the University of Illinois Springfield with a master's in public affairs reporting. Her passion for reporting started as a student journalist for San Antonio College's school paper. Maria hopes to keep families informed on the programs and policies that affect the growing Latino community. In her free time, Maria loves to travel, run, and spend time with friends and family. Maria is a 2022-2023 corps member for Report for America. RFA is a national service program that places journalists into local newsrooms to report on under-covered issues and communities. It is an initiative of The GroundTruth Project, a nonprofit journalism organization.)
Jerry Osland, a Republican member of the DeKalb County Board, was a huge advocate for the county run nursing home and was appointed to its oversight board.
Se produjo inmediatamente después de informes locales de que agentes federales detuvieron a un hombre que no tenía un historial penal, según su familia.
Los planes de deportación del presidente Donald Trump han generado temor en la comunidad inmigrante en general. Mientras que bajo el presidente Biden, las operaciones de deportación se centraron en inmigrantes con antecedentes penales, los informes dicen que Trump ha ampliado el enfoque a cualquier persona sin estatus legal.
La Junta Electoral de DeKalb presentó una moción para desestimar el esfuerzo de Linh Nguyen porque dicen que es “discutible” porque ella ya se postula como candidata primaria demócrata por escrito.
President Donald Trump’s deportation plans have drawn fear in the wider immigrant community. Whereas under Pres. Biden, deportation operations focused on immigrant with criminal records, reports say Trump has broadened the focus to anyone without legal status.
It comes on the heels of local reports that federal agents took a man into custody who did not have a criminal history, according to his family.
The DeKalb Electoral Board filed a motion to dismiss Linh Nguyen's effort since they say it’s “moot” because she’s already running as a write-in Democratic primary candidate.
La legislación ordena que aquellos sin estatus legal quienes que sean acusados de robo y delitos violentos sean detenidos por agentes federales de inmigración. El profesor de derecho en Ohio State University César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández dijo que bajo esta ley, el proceso legal penal terminará abruptamente para los inmigrantes indocumentados.
The legislation mandates that those without legal status who are accused of theft and violent crimes be detained by federal immigration agents. Ohio State University law professor César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández said under this law, the criminal legal process will abruptly end for undocumented immigrants.
Voluntatios locales están ayudando a las familias explorar sus opciones en caso de que los padres sean deportados.