Building service, dining, and maintenance workers at NIU are growing impatient for a new contract.
Several employees spoke on behalf of reaching a fair contract for staffers and students. Patrick Sheridan spoke at Thursday’s Board of Trustees meeting. He’s president of AFSCME Local 963 which represents the workers. During public comment, he specifically asked members of the board about a former proposal related to qualifications for sick leave.
After the meeting, a spokesperson for the university issued a statement.
"Public Comment is an opportunity for the public to address the Board of Trustees on a topic relevant to the business and operations of the university or that pertains to matters under the board’s jurisdiction. It is not the forum for the Board of Trustees to negotiate, bargain, engage, or debate in any contract discussions, including collective bargaining discussions, with university staff, union representatives, or members of the public."
Employee Jason Williams also addressed the trustees. He spoke about the need for additional training opportunities for his colleagues.
"It is clear that the work is not about building any professional development, but as a means to fill positions with bodies for cheap," Williams told the board.
AFSCME-represented clerical workers at NIU settled their new contract in November.