WNIJ partnered with the League of Women Voters of DeKalb County to host virtual candidate forums on Feb. 15 featuring candidates running for the Illinois’ 76th representative district and Senate District 37.
You can watch the forums here.
The Illinois primary will be held March 19, 2024.
Forum Schedule
Candidates appear below in alphabetical order by forum. The League has an “Empty Chair” policy which prohibits a full forum with only one candidate. In the case without two participating candidates, the remaining candidate is offered to give a 2- minute statement.
Illinois 76 Representative District Democrat Forum
Cohen Barnes
Amy ''Murri'' Briel
Carolyn ''Morris'' Zasada
Illinois 76 Representative District Republican Candidate statement
Liz Bishop
Illinois Senate District 37 Republican Forum
Li Arellano, Jr.
Chris Bishop
District profiles
Lance Yednock currently represents the Illinois House of Representatives for the 76th district. It includes Bureau, LaSalle, and DeKalb counties. Yednock is not seeking re-election in 2024.
Win Stoller currently represents the Illinois Senate 37th district. Stoller is not seeking re-election in 2024. Since re-districting, it now stretches north to include Dixon and Rochelle.